Wedding Legalities

Wedding Legalities


You should plan to arrive in Turkey at least 2 working days prior to your wedding day as you both will be required to be taken to Fethiye/Marmaris to complete legalities.

We will send you the Legal instructions, examples and a step by step guide as to how this process is completed, approximately 4 months before your wedding as once it is competed, your documents are valid for 180 days.

Please do not feel daunted by this process as your ‘Wedding Planner’ will be available to assist at all times.

1. 4 x Passport sized photos each for Fethiye area and 5 each for Marmaris area. All must be less than 6 months old.

2. Passport (with a minimum of 6 months expiry)

3. Each British national getting married will print a copy of the new Affidavit of Marital Status form from our website GOV.UK. You will need two forms, one in each name.

4. The Affidavit for each will then have to be signed and witnessed in person by a notary public in the UK. Legalised Affidavit (to be printed back to back and not on a separate page).

5. The Affidavit for each is then posted to the FCO Legalisation Department in Milton Keynes, UK, see this link

6. Once the Affidavits are legalised the documentation is complete. The validity period for this document is 180 days so couples getting married later in the year should not begin this process too early.

7. The Affidavits are then brought to Turkey and will be the official document required by the local marriage office in whichever town/area the couple are marrying in. The marriage office will need to see the individuals passport too.

8. Full extract copy of your Birth Certificates. ( you can obtain from Registry office) You will both need a FULL LENGTH birth certificate which includes the name and occupation of your parents. If you don’t have one, you will need to apply for one here:

Open Web Site

Please be aware that your Witnesses cannot be family members either by birth or marriage.

You can see that the whole process is completed in the UK before the you travel to Turkey.